Women Empowerment Programme
75 SHGs for women are organizing in a rural area among Dalit and oppressed women. They are being promoted in saving, inter lending, IGP, and organization. Skill training on tailoring and alternative skills is being conducted to girls and women. The motivation of the rural women on gender rights, human rights, RCH, Panchayatraj and welfare schemes are given.
Home for Destitute
Aged Persons and Women
We serve the destitute peoples through two old age homes. One is with 25 old age inmates and another home is with 50 widows aged inmates.
They are provided with three-time food everyday, nutrition, health, recreation, and shelter. Regularly counselling sessions are conducted with the inmates for their health and moral support. Also, Counselling is given to the families of inmates to make an opportunity for inmates to rejoin with their families.
Tsunami response in the Eastern Coastal
In Tsunami disaster affection, DERMA took prominent role and efforts, Food and clothes were collected from Pudukottai town and distributed to the survivors of the disaster.
Rehabilitation works at Vedaranyam were supported by DERMA. The spoiled salt pan reclamation work was supported. Skill development training to 50 youths from coastal villages in Vedaranyam and Kodiyakarai, were given the training to develop alternative skills such as Radio and TV repairing.
Reproductive and
Child Health (RCH) Programme
Reproductive and child health awareness, motivation, training, and counseling programmes are conducted for adolescents, ANC/PNC mother, Infertile couple, and rural poor on personal hygienic and sanitation, STD/RTI, intercourse, unnecessary pregnancy, and abortion, HIV/AIDS, etc., Testing and referral take place on important and necessary cases.
Children Support Programme
Special schools and tuition classes are running for the dropout, child labour and poor children. Education support as educational materials, uniform and school bag are provided.
Creche centre is run to the rural poor children, who are under the risk of the semi-orphan condition in the day time without food, nutrition and health caretake. We provide health, education, food, nutrition, education materials.
Child right programme takes place through trafficking prevention and rehabilitation works as educational support, legal action, Skill development training, parents counselling and community empowerment.
Promoting Herbal cultivation &
Kitchen Garden
Alternative medicine support programmes are promoted to women belonging to SHGs to cultivate herbal and Kitchen-garden. Training on Herbal cultivation, collection, processing and application for the disease are main activities. The importance of having kitchen-garden with important herbs in every house is explained. The important herb plants are distributed after training.
Sustainable Agriculture and ECO Farming
ECO farming and sustainable agriculture are motivated among rural people and marginal farmers through training, inputs, camp, exposure and model project.
Vermicompost making, Azolla cultivation, Panchakavyam, Amirthakaraisal, and crop tonic are trained for production, harvesting, and application to the crops at various stages of growth.
Certification works for organic farmers on input, production, application and proper cultivation are done for identifying and approving them as organic farmers. Marketing facilities for organic products are being arranged for a fair price and free of exploitation. In the succession of the model project in pudukottai district, we extended the activities to other areas.
Environmental Programme
Biodiversity conservation through tree plantation, endangered species of vegetation and animal, takes place as community motivation, participation, and monitoring system.
In climate change matter, tree plantation, alternative energy application, flora fauna development, and sustainable agriculture as training, workshop, motivation and action works are arranged regularly.
With the support of the Ministry of Environment and Forest, New Delhi, and Peace Trust, National Environmental Awareness Campaign (NEAC) programme having the main theme art biodiversity and climate change was organized for women, farmers, students and the general public as motivation, training, camps and tree plantation works.