Old Age Homes
Home for Destitute Women
Children Home
Creche centres for Children
Child Labour Protection
Child Labour Special School
Women Empowerment Programmes
Self Help Groups Development Programme
Health Care Programmes
Reproductive and Child Health Programme
AIDS Awareness Programme
Sustainable Ecosystem
Education Development
Human Trafficking Prevention
Message from founder
DERMA is a social development organization, was founded by a dedicated group on social and grassroot people empowerment with the concept that people who are deprived, destitute, neglected, and victims from the community or of the community, should be protected and guided towards basic needs and rightful things. So, we work for the destitute, downtrodden, neglected, and poor people. The process is never-ending as the people are continuously suffered by ignorance of the public. We will continue to bring happiness in the heart of destitute people, children and the community with the help of Government, Kind-hearted peoples and Volunteers.
- Dr. K.V. Rajashekar Dharma